As with most other things that you need to do these days, you can order personal checks online.
You can do most transactions electronically, but there are still times when you need a check. Such as for paying the day care provider, paying the Girl Scouts for a cookie order, or the unusual business that operates on cash or checks only. Yes, there’s still a few of them out there!

Most banks will order checks for you if you’re a customer. You go to your home branch, but their selection of checks is very limited and most are plain drab and boring.
You express yourself daily with the car you drive, the clothes you wear, the food you eat, and the cell phone you use. Why not express yourself with the design of the checks you carry?
If you’re not near your home branch when you want to order checks, the order is further delayed. It is usually routed to your home branch for processing. Not only that, but you may have to make time during the day to go to the bank and wait in line.
Ordering your checks online is a much simpler solution. You can do the order at your own convenience and in the comfort of your own home.
The selection of checks that are available online is almost limitless. No matter what your hobby or interest, your preference of house pets, or your favorite color, you’re sure to be able to find a design of check to suit your tastes.
You can even upload your own images to create personalized photo checks. You’ll also find an expansive array of fonts and personalizations such as emblems, initials and more. This means you can further personalize your checks.
You’ll get your checks delivered to you in less time than if you order them through your bank.
Ordering checks online cuts out the middleman (your financial institution). Your checks are both less expensive and processed rapidly. Your bank is more expensive and slower.
These are some of the reasons online check orders usually arrive in less time than checks that are ordered through a financial institution:
- The primary focus of a check manufacturer is to process check orders. Then get them to the customer as soon as possible. That’s not the focus of your bank. They are more interested in transactions.
- A financial institution submits check orders at the end of the day. These may not get to the manufacturer for several days. This depends on where you submit the paperwork and at what location on what day.
- A check printer will start processing an order immediately after confirmation. This can reduce the delivery time significantly.
An extra benefit is convenience. The hours you can order online are not limited to banking hours. You can order online 24/7 at your convenience.
Even if you’re not adept on the internet, most of the websites where you order checks are very simple to use. They give detailed, explicit instructions on exactly what information you need to provide them. This ensures that your order is accurate and ships as quickly as possible.
Many check printers will print your logo on your checks. You upload your business logo to the printer. This will be at a lower cost compared to your bank.
While you’re at it, you can get checkbook covers, return address labels and stampers, among other accessories online.
You get many options to choose from when ordering checks online. Why even think about wasting your precious time waiting at your financial institution?